“A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the South Seas of the RAS”

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Sevastopol, Nakhimov Avenue, 2

The study of the life of the sea is impossible without research directly at sea. In 1976, the current flagship of the research fleet of the Black Sea NIS “Professor Vodyanitsky”, built at the shipyard in Turku in Finland, was launched. In the first days of March 1976, the ship first entered the home port of Sevastopol and since then has become an integral part of the Institute of Biology of the South Seas. At the moment, the NIS “Professor Vodyanitsky” is the only specialized scientific vessel in the Crimea that is capable of performing the full range of geological exploration, oceanographic and hydrobiological studies in the entire Black Sea area. NIS “Professor Vodyanitsky” is a vessel of the series, which was intended for oceanographic and geological-physical research in the world ocean, including in the tropics and the Arctic. The swimming class is unlimited. Currently, the vessel carries out more than 100 ship trips per year both as part of the work on the state assignment and on commercial flights.

At the disposal of the institution for marine research are also small fleet vessels: MNIS SMB-40 “Victoria”, MNIS YAL-6 “Aquarium”, MNIS PVK “Kalkan”.

For cooperation with the scientific fleet of FITZ InBUM, please contact the Fleet Department:

Email address: flot@ibss-ras.ru