IE Vanier Yuri Anatolyevich

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Sevastopol, ul. Boulevard Gidronavtov 54

Boatmaster traces its history back to 2007. During this time, 10 boats and yachts have been launched, which have passed the full range of our services: from designing and creating a 3D model, to construction, equipment configuration, as well as launching and test sea trials, certification and obtaining permits.

The experience and knowledge that we have accumulated during this time allow us to perform work of varying degrees of complexity. Today, our specialists are building a fifteen-meter fishing modular vessel in Peru, where work was carried out from the creation of a site for the construction, design of the vessel, selection of ship and fishing equipment, radio navigation and sonar complex. We have developed 2 models that have been put into mass production. Their development is based on the most optimal solutions according to the class. “A” only proven materials and components and suppliers are used in construction.

Providing a full range of shipbuilding services, often they also turn to us for repair and re-equipment of various floating facilities. During this time, we have carried out repair and restoration work on more than 44 boards and re-equipped 73 boats and yachts.


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