PH (farm) Kurban Konstantin Vladimirovich

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Sevastopol, Balaklavsky district, Orlinovsky municipal district, the Peredovoe village

Peasant (farm) farm Kurban Konstantin Vladimirovich

Main activities:
– Beekeeping. Natural, delicious and healthy honey straight from the apiary.
– Cultivation of grapes, hazelnuts, walnuts.
– Agrotourism, rest away from the hustle and bustle of the city, gazebos for recreation.
– A petting zoo where you can pet fluffy rabbits, feed domestic birds: ducks, geese, chickens.

Продукция Севастополя: мёд. КФХ Курбан          Продукция Севастополя: мёд. КФХ Курбан          Продукция Севастополя: мёд. КФХ Курбан

Продукция Севастополя: виноград. КФХ Курбан          Продукция Севастополя: виноград. КФХ Курбан          Домашнее хозяйство КФХ Курбан